
He is the most important and influential living jewelry artist of our time.

Michael Zobel ist der wichtigste und einflussreichste lebende Schmuckgestalter unserer Zeit.

迈克尔·佐贝尔(Michael Zobel)生于1942年于摩洛哥丹吉尔(Tangier),在巴塞隆納长大。 他曾在德国普福尔茨海姆担任珠宝设计师,任职巴黎,在1968年落居德国康斯坦茨市,并开设了自己的艺廊 。自此他的名声很快成为当代珠宝设计的代名词,世界各地的国际展览以及众多的奖项和客户证明了这一点。 2003年,他被授予吉尔吉斯斯坦州建筑大学之榮譽教授教授。

享誉盛名的迈克尔·佐贝尔(Michael Zobel)熟练掌握了自己独一的技能和理念,他精确的融合了感性新锐的眼光,创造出相得益彰创新的金属组合方式与新視覺傳達理念的作品。


Michael Zobel was born in the Moroccan town of Tangier in 1942 and grew up in Barcelona. He trained and studied as a jewellery designer in Pforzheim, worked in Paris and in 1968 finally came to the city of Constance, where he settled and opened his first own shop. Here was his name quickly became synonymous with exclusive and innovative jewellery design, and his renown spread far and wide. Customers around the world as well as numerous international exhibitions and awards testify to this. In 2003 he was awarded an honorary professorship (Prof. h.c.) at the Kyrgyz State University of Construction, Transportation and Architecture.

[...] Michael Zobel was a master craftsman who honed his skills and talent to create pieces that are arresting in their visual impact and remarkable in their goldsmithing and soldering technique. He combined metals in new, sensual, even erotic ways. The effect was electrifying. [...]



Michael Zobel wurde 1942 im marokkanischen Tanger geboren und wuchs in Barcelona auf, er lernte und studierte in Pforzheim, arbeitete danach als Schmuckdesigner in Paris und kam 1968 schließlich nach Konstanz, wo er sich niederließ und das erste eigene Geschäft eröffnete. Hier wurde sein Name schnell zum Inbegriff für ebenso exklusive wie innovative Schmuckgestaltung, dessen Ruf sich auch weit über die Region hinaus verbreitete. Kunden auf der ganzen Welt sowie unzählige internationale Ausstellungen und Ehrungen zeugen davon. 2003 wurde ihm die Ehrenprofessur (Prof. h.c.) der Staatlichen Kirgisischen Universität für Bauwesen, Verkehrswesen und Architektur verliehen.


Jacqueline Lillie was born in 1941 in Marseilles, France and currently lives and works in Vienna. She studied metalwork under Professor Hagenauer at the Academy of Applied Arts, Vienna. Since the early 1980’s she has exhibited internationally, given lectures around the world about her work and influenced generations of young artists with her refined and articulate work. Most recently her pieces were included in the Donna Schneier Collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Jewellery 1970-2015 – the Bollmann Collection at the Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna and A Fine possession: Jewellery and Identity at the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney.

Selected Public Collections

Cooper Hewitt Museum of Design, New York, USA
Asenbaum Collection, Vienna
Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia
Württemberg State Museum, Stuttgart, Germany
Corning Museum of Glass, New York, USA
Museum of Applied Arts (MAK), Vienna, Austria
Museum of Arts and Design, New York, USA
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, USA
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA
Racine Art Museum, Wisconsin, USA
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, Australia
Donna Schneier Collection, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA
Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, USA

Caren Shen was born in Gaoxiong, Taiwan. Before she received her Master’s degree (Magistra Artium M.A.) in Textile Design, Metal Work and Sculptural Education at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna/Austria in 1996, she attended the Masterclass for Tapestry at the same university.

Since then, she collected a wide perspective in different fields such as Textile Design, Interior Design, Industrial Design and Jewellery Design, where she was known for her exceptional ideas and creations. The singularity about Caren's work, through all the various branches, is her wonderful play of color, movement and pattern. This wonderful play, led her to her most outstanding textile works using pleated materials.

Caren's textile artwork has been exhibited throughout Europe and Asia winning numerous accolades. Her work is represented in a number of well known museums around the world including the famous Museum of Applied Arts in Vienna, The Asia Society in New York and the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco.

Caren works and lives in Vienna, Austria.